Aoife Lambert

  • Recruitment Consultant
  • Sydney

Aoife is a Recruitment Consultant based in Sydney and specialises in Commerce Recruitment. She brings a unique blend of skills and experiences to the world of talent acquisition. Aoife holds a degree in Business & Management, providing her with a solid foundation in the intricacies of the corporate landscape. After securing her degree she went on to work at TAP’s partner Company Eirkoo based in Dublin before making the move to Sydney. Her worldly perspective on the industry is a great asset to the team. 

Beyond her professional pursuits, Aoife finds joy in the simplicity and beauty of a sunrise walk. She loves to start her day at peace before entering the fast-paced world of recruitment. 

She has a diverse international background in talent acquisition and a well-rounded perspective that makes her an excellent consultant who blends expertise with a fresh perspective.

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