Our Policy Policy

Stirling Andersen Pty Ltd trading as The Andersen Partnership ABN 58 137 109 525 (hereafter “TAP”) is committed to ensuring that your personal information is handled responsibly and in accordance with the Privacy Laws, including the Australian Privacy Principles, contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

The following Privacy Policy outlines how TAP collects, discloses, uses, stores or otherwise handles your personal information.

By using our website (www.andersenpartnership.com) and sending us any personal information, you are deemed to have read and accepted this Privacy Policy.

1. The type of personal information we collect and hold

Within the ordinary course of recruitment activities we collect personal information from current and prospective candidates, clients, as well as referees when conducting candidate background and reference checks.

The personal information we collect is related to the practice of recruitment, including:

  • the personal information of candidates and contractors collected in the course of the recruitment and management process ranging from general contact and resume information to performance feedback collected and recorded from the practice of reference checking, and
  • all personal information that is normally required to be transferred between an employee and an employer in the context of an employment relationship, including but not limited to: tax file numbers, banking details, salary and wage information, criminal history checks and any other information that might be relevant to a worker’s employment.

We only seek to collect sensitive information when it is necessary for a client assignment. In such cases, we would only do so with the consent of the candidate or contractor, or if required by law or if necessary in connection with a legal or equitable claim.

2. Our purposes for collecting personal information

As part of the recruitment process we collect the personal information of candidates or contractors to provide clients with:

  • a comprehensive understanding of their skills and experience
  • an independent verification of their skills and experience
  • an assessment of their suitability for a position we are seeking to fill on the client’s behalf.

3. Our purposes for holding personal information

We generally hold personal information of candidates or contractors for the following purposes:

  • the production of an assessment for a client for a position we are seeking to fill on their behalf
  • an assessment of suitability for a position that may become available in the future
  • industry research and analysis.

4. How we collect personal information

We obtain most of the personal information we collect about candidates or contractors directly from the individual, generally in the form of a resume submitted to TAP by the individual for a potential job opportunity.

We may also seek personal information from the referees they provide or from other persons who are known to them as part of the recruitment process.

Sometimes, we may ask to collect particular personal information about a candidate or contractor from third parties other than referees. Unless we have already done so, when or before we collect such information, we will take reasonable steps to inform you of:

  • the purposes for which the information is collected
  • where applicable, any law requiring the information to be collected
  • the main consequences if all or part of the information is not provided.

5. How we hold personal information

We hold the personal information of a candidate or contractor in a combination of computer hard drive facilities and on data-protected cloud softwares.

Through third-party technological security measures, combined with internal data security measures outlined in TAP’s employment policies, TAP endeavours to provide thorough protection for all personal information it holds, from unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.

6. How we use and disclose personal information

Obtaining your consent to disclose

Where candidates have indicated to us that they wish to be put forward for employment positions generally or within certain parameters, their consent will be taken as given. At other times, we will ask candidates and contractors to consent to a disclosure or use of their personal information to clients. We may do so in writing, over the phone, or on our website.

We may use or disclose personal information without consent where:

  • it is for a reasonably expected purpose related to the purposes for collecting the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy
  • we reasonably believe it is necessary to assist an enforcement body to perform its functions
  • we suspect that an unlawful activity has been, is being, or may be engaged in and the personal information is a necessary part of our investigation or reporting of the matter
  • we reasonably believe it is necessary to prevent a threat to life, health or safety
  • we are authorised or required by law to do so (e.g. where the information is required by bodies regulating us or in response to subpoenas or warrants)
  • we have contracted an external organisation to provide support services and that organisation has agreed to conform to our privacy standards.

Disclosing your personal information to others

We do not disclose the personal information of candidates or contractors to others, except where it is:

  • to a company related to us
  • to organisations which provide services (such as psychometric testing) to us
  • with the consent of the candidate or contractor or such consent may be presumed (as defined above)
  • necessary to do so in order to advance the interests of a candidate with a client
  • required by law.

7. Requesting access to personal information and related queries

Subject to some exceptions that are set out in the Australian Privacy Principles a candidate or contractor who requests access to the personal information we hold about them can obtain it by making an application for access in writing to the following email account info@andersenpartnership.com.

If the granting of access results in the identification of information that is not accurate, complete or up to date, we will work with the individual in taking all reasonable steps to ensure the information is corrected.

For all other queries relating to the TAP Privacy Policy or, the collection and storage of personal information, please write to the following email account info@andersenpartnership.com.

We will endeavour to respond to any requests or queries as quickly as possible and in line with the relevant Australian Privacy Principles.

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