Interview Tips With TAP

Now that you have secured an interview, the biggest hurdle in the interview process is over. You have successfully impressed upon the hiring manager that you have the necessary skills required to do the job. The interview is now about providing evidence to your resume by demonstrating your values, competencies, achievements, and communication skills whilst demonstrating that you are an ideal cultural fit. This is the time businesses will assess how easily you as a person will fit into their company and not just because of the skills you put on paper.

Preparing for the interview

The first, and arguably the most important part of the whole process is preparing for the interview.


Company - Firstly look at the website of the company. Most companies have detailed information online about the history, service areas, key people in the business, and up-to-date news. Also, take a look at their social media pages eg: LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

Industry - Regardless of the industry you are applying for, there will be content in publications to inform you of recent trends and news in the market. Spend time on google to see what knowledge you can uncover related to the industry you are working in/on transitioning into.

People - Have a look on LinkedIn at the profiles of the people who are interviewing you. Key things to note are time spent in the role, their qualifications, and background.

Know your own CV & Skills

One of the biggest pitfalls when interviewing is not being familiar enough with your own CV. While preparing, you should do a ‘compare and contrast’ exercise between your CV and the job description, noting key achievements against particular responsibilities for the role. Use these as interview responses. Also be prepared to talk about your ‘Unique Selling Points’ – try to make a list of your top ten and be able to qualify why these are your key strengths.

Checklist on Interview Day

  • First impressions are key as they set the tone for the whole interview. Small things like a weak handshake or poor eye contact can make a difference when hiring managers make their final decision on who to offer the job to.
  • Dress appropriately - as a general rule, keep your attire basic and conservative. check your shoes are clean and polished, your nails are clean and your clothes are ironed.
  • Body language - begin with a firm handshake. Smiling regularly makes both the interviewer and yourself feel at ease throughout the interview. Maintaining regular eye contact is key to demonstrating confidence and communication skills. Don’t fold your arms, cross your legs, fidget, or look away.
  • BE ON TIME! - As a rule, do not arrive more than 10 minutes early for an interview. Make sure you have researched the route and how you are getting there before the day and ensure you allow time for delays.
  • Attitude - having a positive and enthusiastic attitude is essential to convince the employer that you offer a lucrative position.

Interview Question Examples:

  • What makes you the most suitable for the job? What can you offer us that someone else cannot?
  • Why are you interested in working for us?
  • Why was there a gap in your employment between (date) and (date)?
  • What was your biggest failure?
  • What motivates you?
  • How do you handle pressure?
  • What are your career goals?
  • What would your direct reports say about you?
  • What would your manager say about you?
  • What management style do you respond to best?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What are some of your leadership experiences?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What decisions do you find difficult to make?

Thank the interviewer for their time and leave the interview with a firm handshake.

Questions to ask in the Interview:

  • Where do you see the company headed in the next 5 years?
  • Who do you consider to be your top competitor?
  • What are the biggest opportunities facing the company right now?
  • Why has this position become vacant?
  • What are the expectations of the role (first 6/12 months)?
  • What are the opportunities for further training?
  • What are you looking for in a candidate for this role?
  • What do you think are the most important qualities for someone to excel in this role?
  • If I was successful, how would this role fit into the structure of the team?
  • How would you describe the culture of the team?
  • If successful, who would I report to? Would anyone report to me?
  • What is it about this department and organization that you enjoy?
  • The final question to ask is usually related to what the next stages of the process are. This re-iterates your enthusiasm and interest in the role.

After the Interview

After the interview, it’s essential that you call your Consultant and provide prompt feedback on how you felt the interview went. In most situations, the Consultant will not be able to get feedback from the Client without speaking to you first. Any delay in providing this feedback will slow down the whole process. Your feedback will play a crucial role in the decision-making process.

Once your Consultant has spoken to the interviewer, they will then pass on the feedback to you. This feedback, if positive, can lead to another interview or straight to an offer. The feedback provided by your consultant will also be invaluable in assisting with future interviews.

It is also good practice to connect with the interviewer on LinkedIn or via a personalised email within 24 hours of the interview as this will once again show your enthusiasm and interest in the role and working for the company.

Good Luck!

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