How to Structure your CV

  • Personal Details
    • Name / Phone number / Email / Address / LinkedIn Username (There is no need to include any other personal information)
  • Candidate Profile
    • This section should include a brief summary of why you are suitable for the position, your soft skills and relevant previous experience.
    • Tailor this section to the role you are applying to.
  • Education & Professional Qualifications (Skills)
    • List your most recent qualification first including the year and institution name.
    • State your level of qualification.
    • Include professional memberships and other relevant training.
  • Shortlisting and presentation
    • Outline in detail your work history beginning with the most recent.
    • Put the company name, your position and dates of employment in bold font so it’s clear
    • List your key responsibilities, key skills (eg: specific systems you used, etc.) and achievements using bullet points.
    • Explain any gaps in employment.
  • Skills and Interests / Hobbies
    • Add any extra skills, hobbies or interests to create a holistic picture of you.
    • In recent years, companies have grown increasingly more concerned with work-life balance and what you choose to do in your spare time says a lot about you.
    • Include interests that paint you in a good light but don’t lie!
  • References
    • You can either provide specific contact details for your references or state ‘Available upon Request’.
    • Ensure your referees are relevant to the sector you are applying to / have been prevalent in your career and are happy to be contacted

CV Dos

  • Keep it short - Keep it to 1-2 pages.
  • Formatting matters - Ensure a clean, organised layout with easy-to-read fonts. Use bullet points for clarity and consistency. Keep the most important information listed first. Ensure it is grammatically correct. Export it as a PDF and save the file as your name.
  • Tailor to the job - Customise your CV for each application to emphasise skills and experiences relevant to the specific role.
  • Highlight your achievements - Make your unique personal and career quantified achievements clear. This is something that will make you stand out against other candidates.
  • Emphasise your skills - Create a dedicated section for key skills to quickly communicate your strengths and expertise.
  • Use action verbs in the past tense such as led and managed.
  • Clarify potential ‘gaps’ in your employment history.
  • Make sure contact information is up to date

CV Don’ts

  • Avoid cliches: team player, organised, etc.
  • Don’t use paragraphs - use bullet points!
  • Don’t assume the interviewer knows what your previous roles consisted of - outline clearly what each of your previous jobs entailed.
  • Don’t Lie!
  • Don’t use slang - keep your language professional
  • Don’t include a photo of yourself
  • Don’t use too many buzz words - instead of calling yourself a “team player”, use a bullet point in your work experience section to describe your experience collaborating with a team, supporting your co-workers, or contributing to a group project. Instead demonstrate your qualifications.
  • Don’t include every job you have ever had - only include past experience that's relevant to the role you’re applying for.
  • Don’t focus on your responsibilities over achievements - For example, instead of writing “worked on email marketing campaign strategies”, say, “Spearheaded a new email marketing campaign strategy, resulting in a 12% increase in open rates.”
  • Don’t list irrelevant skills - Read the job description and note any technical skills you have that aligns with the position.

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