Leanne McFadyen

  • Senior Recruitment Consultant
  • Melbourne

Leanne is a seasoned Senior Recruitment Consultant based in Melbourne, specialising in recruiting for business support roles in Public Accounting. With an extensive background spanning five years in sales roles across diverse industries such as fashion, finance, and retail, Leanne brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to her role.

In her personal time, Leanne is a passionate foodie who is slowly making her way through Melbourne’s vibrant restaurant scene. Her love of travel and exploration further speaks to her broader sense of curiosity and commitment to discovering new experiences. Leanne enjoys hiking and watching sunsets when on these explorations which highlights her ability to navigate diverse landscapes - qualities that undoubtedly enhance her approach to recruitment. Her commitment to discovering hidden gems, whether in the culinary or travel realm, aligns with her role in uncovering and placing exceptional talent in the public accounting sector.

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