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  • 10 Tips To Integrate Exercise Into Your Work Schedule

10 Tips to Integrate Exercise into Your Work Schedule


In the hustle and bustle of our daily work lives, finding time for exercise can often feel like an impossible feat. However, you don’t necessarily need to have to dedicate 2 hours of your day to exercise to improve your movement. You can make some small changes and see drastic results not only in your fitness but also in your productivity and mental health.


Here are 10 tips to integrate exercise into your work schedule.


#1 Morning Momentum

Using your mornings can be incredibly beneficial. A quick morning workout, whether that be a brisk walk, run, or at-home workout, starts your day off right and will set a positive tone for the rest of the day. Even a quick 15-minute body-weight workout will be greatly beneficial in improving overall health.


#2 Get Your Steps In

When you spend all day at your desk, getting steps in any way you can is not only going to improve muscle tone and joint movement but it will also give you a break from the screen. Walking around at lunch or to and from work when possible will provide a light workout that breaks up the day and improves focus. If you get the bus to work, you could also leave time to get off the bus a stop earlier than usual to increase your walking distance.


#3 Cycle to and From Work

Your commute to work doesn’t have to just be about getting from home to work, you can harness this time to productively improve your health. If walking isn’t possible and you would still like to harness your commute time, cycling to and from work is a great alternative. This is a very effective and more intense workout than walking or driving. A study in the UK found that cycle commuters had a ‘52% lower risk of dying from heart disease and a 40% lower risk of dying from cancer.’ The health benefits are undeniable. 



#4 Standing Desks

A standing desk helps to combat the sedentary nature of many workplaces. Just by standing at your desk your muscles are engaged and your posture is improved. You don’t necessarily  need to stand all day but scientists encourage taking break from sitting every thirty minutes so investing in a standing desk will aid you in accomplishing this. Standing while working lowers your risk of weight gain and obesity, reduces back pain, and may boost productivity and energy levels.





#5 Exercise at your desk

There are a range of simple exercises you can do from your desk that are discreet and will improve circulation and strength. Seated leg lifts, neck stretches and calf raises while standing all allow for a bit of movement while at your desk. Having mindful movement breaks throughout the day where you just stand up and stretch will also help to rejuvenate your body and mind.


#6 Meditation and Yoga

Yoga and meditation are exercises that don’t require any equipment and can be very quick to do. Slow, controlled yoga in the morning can help to wake the body up for the day. In the evening, meditation can be beneficial in switching off for the night and decreasing any anxiety from the day. These exercises both involve mindfulness which helps with mental clarity, calmness, and concentration.



#7 Harness your Lunchtimes

Many individuals have an hour designated for lunch, often spent sitting while eating, which doesn't offer a true break from prolonged periods of sitting. Utilising this lunch hour to engage in activities such as running, walking, or going to the gym can be a productive way to make the most of this time and incorporate physical activity into your routine.


#8 Run your errands 

Many people have preached the benefits of literally ‘running your errands’. When doing simple tasks like going to the bank, post office, or pharmacy, or even getting a coffee, by running or jogging too, and from these daily activities, you are incorporating more activity into your routine. Don’t drive when it’s not necessary, instead, moving your body is a much better use of your time.


#9 Lunchtime Gym

If you have the opportunity to sign up for a gym membership, pick a gym that is easily accessible from your workplace as you will be more likely to go if it isn’t too far away. It can also be helpful to pack your gym clothes at the top of your bag to remind you of your intention to go. Studies have proven that 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a week can increase heart health, and weight loss, reduce stress, and increase productivity so even just regular, quick gym sessions will have great impacts on your health.



#10 Sign Up to Classes

Sign up for gym classes to hold yourself accountable. By committing to a class you have a greater incentive to follow through. It would also be beneficial to convince a work friend to join you so someone else is relying on you. Both of these factors will greatly increase your likelihood of working out.






Exercise and moving your body are crucial for mental and physical health. Having a demanding job doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice this aspect of your life, it just means you have to adapt and get creative in finding movement outlets.


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